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The New Human

Are you ready to go deeper in your consciousness journey? Are you wanting more content that dives into the nooks and crannies of what it means to be a spiritual being and take your growth even further? Then this is for you. The New Human Membership is here to expand your soul and your spiritual awareness. It will offer regular channeled messages and teachings from Sarah to help you understand energies, the universe, the collective, and most of all yourself. It will provide you with tools to step into love and your spiritual power, heal trauma and be able to tap into your own wisdom so you can become that elevated new version of You that you feel yourself becoming. 


The membership includes regular posts from Sarah featuring:

*Energy updates

*Channeled messages



*Blog posts

*Intuitive readings

*Healing techniques and more


**It also contains a community forum where you can chat, connect, and interact with Sarah and other like-minded humans, discuss the content from Sarah, and find and provide support.


In addition, you will be able to access your membership via the Spaces App by Wix by connecting to in the app.

Choose your pricing plan

  • 1 Month Intuitive Coaching

    4-weeks of 1:1 coaching with Sarah
    Valid for one month
    • With access to session recordings
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